A workshop for climbers - from beginner to advanced level - for everybody who loves to move outside in nature. Since I have been climbing for years, I know the beauty and the struggles within climbing. Through my yoga practice I learned how to accept and understand the language of my body. I experienced how to work through physical limitations and how to deal with limitations of the mind.
This is the reason why I created this Workshop Series.
Yoga is an excellent way to get your body soft & fluid, to flow through the climbing walls with more ease and peace.
Find harmony between the body & the mind and creating the capacity for climbing new “higher” peaks in YOUR life.
3/4 - The LOWER BODY
focus on hamstrings, hips and legs.
Many sportive, active people do have contracted hamstrings, or know the feeling of a narrow hip area. Especially for climbing the leg and hip mobility is very important. Moving out of your center point, the hip, with the strength of your legs makes many moves easier. You will get to know how to insert your body economically. Combined with breathing techniques we will create more power to climb up high.
one time: 33€
all 4 Workshops: 111€
registration is mandatory
Max capacity: 8