Arm Balances Series 1
Unlock your potential in this dynamic arm balance workshop, designed to help you cultivate strength, balance and confidence. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or a curious beginner, this workshop will guide you through the fundamental techniques of arm balancing. We will start with targeted warm-ups to activate the core, shoulders and wrists, essential for stability and control in arm balances. From there, we will explore foundational poses like Crow & Side Crow, progressing to more challenging balances such as Eight Angle Pose and Flying Pigeon. Each pose will be broken down step-by-step, focusing on alignment, engagement & the mental aspects of overcoming fear.
By the end of the workshop, you will have the tools to safely practice and advance your arm balances, leaving with a sense of accomplishment and a deeper connection to your body’s capacities. Elevate your practice both on and off the mat!
Regular price: 45€
Student price: 35€
Feeling abundant: 55€