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Kirtan is part of the Bhakti Yoga - Yoga of devotion and surrender.
Together we will sing, chant, pray, meditate and express pure happiness and joy.

This completely different approach to working with the voice is a very direct way to create meditative sound worlds to eliminate the outer and inner separation. With the help of an Indian harmonium, Verena accompanies so-called "Kirtans", the joint chanting of mantras, in order to immerse oneself in extended frequency dimensions in exchange with others.

“Again and again I work with people who don't dare to just let go of their voice. In my job, too, it's usually all about performance, how nice, how good, how loud, how long? Singing together dissolves these demands, while chanting only counts the why and not the how. Only the intention is important and you quickly feel how liberating this experience is. Swings the voice, swings the heart and every atom at the same time! It is exhaling and inhaling at the same time, just being light and feeling the joy and freedom together. For me, this is the most powerful tool to let go of the old and recharge your batteries!"

Do you want to get to know your voice, just let it vibrate without the usual limitations?

Do you want to connect with the group and also with yourself? Then you are totally right here :)

sign in here

16 November

Arm Balance Workshop // Dana

14 December

Day Retreat // Eva